If you do not know what it is, you are missing a trick and wasting your hard-earned internal link juice.
So with that in mind, let me explain what it is and how you should be managing your internal link strategy.
Don't worry, it is really easy and can take you just a few minutes to fix your money site, and maybe even push pages stuck on page 2 to page 1.
Smart Internal Link Building - First Link Priority Rule
Imagine you have 2 links on the same internal page, both pointing to your money page, which anchor text does Google prioritize?
According to this rule, it is simple, the 1st one.
How does this work in practice?
Do you have a navigation bar on your site? Yeah, me too. Does it look like this one?
Yeah, I know, I am back to baseball bats again, I told you before, I am lazy.
Anyway, why could this be a problem?
Well, perhaps you have written a great supporting article to link to your Wood Baseball Bats money page. Maybe it looks something like this.
Unfortunately, Google sees this.
So Google ignores the "wood baseball bats" link in the copy, which is the actual KW you are trying to rank and uses "Bats". After all, who in their right mind is trying to rank Bats or even Baseball Bats. That is not low hanging fruit, which is where I prefer to play and bank.
A navigation bar is not just there to make your site look REAL. If you put a link on it, Google will prioritize it as it comes 1st on your page, and your hard-worked content and the keyword-rich anchor was for nothing...
So either uses keyword-rich anchors that you are targeting to rank in the navigation bar or remove it completely.
Bonus Tip - Remember to consider KW anchor density when you are planning your site structure. You do not want to destroy your anchor text ratio and your money page, which is why many of us have navigation bars with Nofollow links only.
Bonus Tip 2 - Remember that Google has recently implemented an algorithm change (March 1st), and now takes your Nofollow commands as a 'suggestion' only.
Simple onsite SEO changes like this one can make all the difference from you having lots of dead bodies on page 2 or lots of money pages ranking on page 1.
Hopefully, this helps some of you move up the SERPs, and best of all, it is pretty easy to implement.
Let me know what you think and if this is something you want more of? If so, I will get to work on some more.
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